"This is a powerful exhibit incorporating all people of color and gender," Barrero said. "I'm excited about the show. As a curator, and as an artist, I'm in the best position to support both the community and my fellow artists."
"My work reflects the changes I would like to see in the world," he said. "I'm not one to call for change, education or enlightenment when I can initiate it."
On March 25, in conjunction with the
Pride Business Alliance and
Pridefest 2015 in Lake Worth, the show
Erotica 2015 opens at Barrero's fine art gallery in Lake Worth.
(Rolando Chang Barrero Fine Art Gallery,711 Lucern Avenue, Lake Worth Florida)
Featuring photographs by Joanne Urban and Miami photographer Ali Miranda, known for his nudes, the show also includes paintings, sculptures and works by
Boynton Beach artist Allison Kotzig and Orlando Chiang.
Chiang's mixed-media sculpture, inspired by his reaction to gender stereotypes, "Domestication," depicting a human bust with a collar and chain around his or her neck, was featured at ArtPalm Beach last January.
Girls' School: A political Disregard of a Gender March 26 |
Boynton Beach Art District, 422 West Industrial Ave., Boynton Beach, Florida
On March 26, in conjunction with the
Boynton Beach Art District monthly artwalk, Barrero is featuring a multi-media event and benefit with an exhibit titled
Girls' School: A Political Disregard of a Gender, along with live music, open mic and spoken word poetry, and special presentation by Katherine Murphy of Compass Gay & Lesbian Community Center.
Featured artists include: Dianne Rosenberg; Abby Funk; singer/songwriter Alana DaCosta; spoken word poets Niki Lopez and Chunky; and Kotzig with part of the proceeds going to AVDA.
Kotzig lives part time in
Boynton Beach and the rest of the year in Slovakia, where she runs a permaculture farm and small inn with her husband.
In her artist statement, Kotzig said, "My work is strongly feminist, examining and highlighting undercurrents of misogyny in our culture."
"We came together as women to highlight issues of gender inequality, gender violence and to create a creative space for us to express ourselves as women," she said. "It's an invitation to the community to look beneath the surface of what is called 'gender politics' and engage in dialogue."
Highlighting subjects relating to women, including pay disparity, violence and transgender issues, Kotzig said the event is the first of its kind in the arts, with the inclusion of transgender and cisgender artists (people who are not transgender).
The installation poses the question: "Are we are still falling short of the goal of true equality in today's politically charged climate?"
To celebrate the new marriage equality law in Florida, Compass will sponsor an officiated marriage ceremony along the waterfront.
The brunch is a fundraiser for Compass and spokesperson Ryanmarie Rice said, "We're grateful to the city of Lake Worth and to Rolando for the support of our mission."
Visit eventbrite.com/e/pride-pre-parade-brunch-at-rolando-chang-barrero-fine-art-tickets-16035334116.
Boynton Beach Art District is at 422 W. Industrial Ave. Call 786-521-1199.
Both art shows, Erotica and Girls' School: A Political Disregard of a Gender, are free and open to everyone.