Rolando Chang Barrero Fine Art Gallery
711 Lucerne Avenue
Lake Worth, Florida 33460
Event Details
Erotica 2015: An exhibition of works by Joanne Urban, Ali Miranda, Allison Kotzig and Orlando Chiang
VIP Recetion for the artists,
Wednesday March 25, 2015 5-9 pm
Rolando Chang Barrero Fine Art Gallery
711 Lucerne Ave.
Lake Worth, Florida 33460
In conjuction with Gay Pride Lake Worth Events.
and the Pride Business Alliance.
About the Artists:
VIP Recetion for the artists,
Wednesday March 25, 2015 5-9 pm
Rolando Chang Barrero Fine Art Gallery
711 Lucerne Ave.
Lake Worth, Florida 33460
In conjuction with Gay Pride Lake Worth Events.
and the Pride Business Alliance.
About the Artists:
Joanne Urban:
Twenty-five years ago, on the way to another profession, Joanne Urban discovered
photography quite by accident. Needing an art elective, she somehow signed up for
Photography 101, fell into the dektol, and never looked back.
While her formal training began with film and the wet darkroom, she now utilizes digital
capture and Photoshop in the digital darkroom. Joanne creates in-camera images with
her assorted digital cameras and camera-less images with her flat bed scanner. Her
work reflects the aesthetic of the traditional black and white darkroom processes. Drawn
to detail, simple composition, texture and pattern, her imagery is a visual and emotional
response to the commonplace.
Ali Miranda:
Greatly known for his erotic nudes, Ali's work is often featured in both local an national publications, covering a broad spectrum in the photography field from commercial to fine-art. A native of the Miami area, Ali established himself as a photo artist in South Beach during the late 80s and up to the present.
He holds a degree in Fine Arts from the Academy of Arts College of San Francisco and also attended the School of Visual Arts in New York and Chicago.
Ali's work has been exhibit in various galleries, and collected by many buyers around the world.
Orlando Chiang:
I have always felt compelled to communicate my views regarding the human condition.
The human figure has always been the central focal point of my work. My objective as an artist is to convey visually what is inside the mind, and the influence of society on the individual. My sculpture is an investigation into materials, and how they interact and juxtapose each other.
It is my hope that the viewer will join me in delving deeper into the human psyche through the medium of sculpture.
My work is strongly feminist, examining and highlighting undercurrents of misogyny in our culture. Humour, toys and iconography are used to examine, ridicule, and expose how concepts of ‘other’ have been used to pigeonhole and isolate over the centuries. I use sex store vaginas as media, which in itself is a discussion on the reductionist tendencies of our culture.
Have questions about EROTICA 2015? Contact Rolando Chang Barrero Fine Art